Finders By Game

Find words from a set of letters for the games below.

Turn Letters into Words

This site has word solver tools to help unscramble letters for finding words in games & puzzles like Words with Friends, Word Feud, Scrabble, Lexulous, Crosswords, Anagrams and Jumbles.

Input a set of scrambled letters from a game rack and an optional existing word to fit with. Our word finders then search for unscrambled words by score, length or alphabetically from each game's dictionary.

Just select the word finder you need from the links on this page by game type, language or special list. The special lists help you find words with a lot of vowels, consonants or with highest score letters such as J, Q, X or Z for Scrabble type games.

The word sources available include the following lists and dictionaries:

Finders By List

Find words from a set of letters by language or lists below.